Directed – Project Based Learning (DPjBL) as a language learning model to improve students’ english achievement


This research aimed to improve students’ English achievement by developing learning model in English subject for VIII graders of SMP N 1 Uram Jaya through Directed-Project Based Learning (DPjBL) implementation. This study is designed in Research and Development (R & D) using ADDIE model development. Test instrument for finding out the effectiveness of DPjBL and also students English achievement which were then analyzed quantitatively by using T-test. The results showed that DPjBL is effective to use, it is seen from the difference in value between the pretest and post-test of the control class and the experimental class. From the results of a questionnaire filled in general, the students and teachers agreed to DPjBL learning model. The practicality of teacher book got 93. 3 and the practicality of students book got 97.0. It shows that DPjBL is an effective learning model and this learning model can increase the students' English achievement.


learning model, english achievement, directed-project based learning (DPjBL)


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